Sunday, February 13, 2011

Green Green Grass of Home

As suspected, the 'No-name' filly's hit the paddock for 6 weeks.
At first I thought this was a major setback, but I've asked a friend of mine who was born and raised in a racing trainer family and her advice that it's a very common thing to happen to 2yo's. It's just her body telling us that the bones are still developing and that she's done enough work for the time being.
The report from Rob Slade is that Kav was pretty impressed with the way she was coming along and learning the business. That's a bit heartening.

So off she goes for a rest.
I hope they watch her diet this time or she'll just fatten up again.

Of course she's still got no name, but Rob has taken this pause in her training to procrastinate even longer about doing the official business. A blessing in disguise for him, no doubt.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Two steps forward, One step back.

This morning's report from Kav says that the filly worked well stepping up the pace.

She ran over 800m in 53.06 and the last 400m in 23.46, which sounds to me as though she's improving.
However this promising news was followed by a complete downer.
Apparently she pulled up with warm shins and a spell in the paddock is a distinct possibility.
I eagerly await the result of a vet's examination, but I'm not feeling very confident.
By the way, still no name. Maybe Rob Slade knows something that I don't and she won't need one.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Payment Due

Well, I spoke too soon yesterday about not being charged anything yet.
My first invoice from Slade Bloodstock arrived via email this morning with an apology for it being so late. It covers the first 3 months from the stable which includes charges for a Vet X-ray and breaking in. I guess the x-rays can happen again but the breaking in fee is obviously a one-off.
At this stage I'm glad I've only got a very small share. The cost is affordable, but I wouldn't want to be paying any more, especially on a quarterly basis. Now I don't know if the charges will all come quarterly as I suspect that Slades are a bit tardy when it comes to administration and accounts, but I can accept that if all their energy is going into getting their horses performing on the track.
However, still no name for the filly, probably due to another piece of paperwork that's been put in the too hard basket. Maybe I should volunteer to help out with their admin in my spare time.